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Import Loan Repayments

If you've been using another financial software product, and you'd like to import loan repayments information from that product into Loan Performer, you can do so if the product allows you to export to a spreadsheet, dBase or text file. Loan Repayments can be imported from three file formats i.e. dBase, Microsoft Excel or Tab delimited text files. Each of these files has a standard file format on how data should be arranged.

These loan repayments templates can be downloaded from www.loanperformer.com or got from the Loan Performer working folder under the import file folder, e.g., "C:\LPF81204\External Files\Import" and it looks like the one below:

How to Import Loans Repayments

To import loan repayments you go to Loans\Loan Importations\Import Loan Repayments and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that this importation does not import repayments made by savings transfer.

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